Stream Telecom

– national telecom operator
– high-quality IP telephony
– market leader in service support
– 11 years of experience
– 9000 satisfied business clients

get a consultation

Stream Telecom

– national telecom operator
– high-quality IP telephony
– market leader in service support
– 11 years of experience
– 9000 satisfied business clients

get a consultation


They trust us

They trust us


Why Stream Telecom

Why Stream Telecom

Simple control
each employee

Convenient reports, call recording and storage of all necessary information in the customer’s card.

Direct integration
with your CRM system

Integration with the most popular CRM systems, without external personal cabinets with ability to make calls directly from CRM.

Fast reaction of
technical support

We guarantee a record speed of response to customer requests – 10 minutes. Providing a solution to the issue – up to 30 minutes.

Service availability

Stream Telecom provides its customers with high quality communication regardless of the city or country.

Simple control
each employee

Convenient reports, call recording and storage of all necessary information in the customer’s card.

Direct integration
with your CRM system

Integration with the most popular CRM systems, without external personal cabinets with ability to make calls directly from CRM.

Fast reaction of
technical support

We guarantee a record speed of response to customer requests – 10 minutes. Providing a solution to the issue – up to 30 minutes.

Service availability

Stream Telecom provides its customers with high quality communication regardless of the city or country.


Our services

Our services

Virtual PBX

  • IP telephony
  • Call-Center
  • CryptoPBX
  • Interactive IVR
  • Fixation of all orders
  • One click call
  • Working with deals
  • Communications
  • Internal chat
  • Reports

Integration with CRM

  • Bitrix24
  • amoCRM
  • OneBox
  • 1C
  • and others


  • 0800 numbers
  • Landline numbers
  • International numbers
  • Mobile numbers
  • Multichannel mobile

Mobile employees

  • StreamPhone
  • FMC

Callback widget

  • GetClient
  • Callback order
  • Omnichannel
  • Feedback form

SMS-mailing и auto-dial

  • StreamSMS
  • Viber mailing
  • Autodial
  • Autoinformer
  • Polls and polls
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns
  • Optimization of advertising costs
  • Optimization of marketing costs
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of processing applications

Verification by call

  • Reduced verification costs
  • Effective replacement of SMS and Viber
get a consultation

Virtual PBX

  • IP telephony
  • Call-Center
  • CryptoPBX
  • Interactive IVR
  • Fixation of all orders
  • One click call
  • Working with deals
  • Communications
  • Internal chat
  • Reports

Integration with CRM

  • Bitrix24
  • amoCRM
  • OneBox
  • 1C
  • and others


  • 0800 numbers
  • Landline numbers
  • International numbers
  • Mobile numbers
  • Multichannel mobile

Mobile employees

  • StreamPhone
  • FMC

Callback widget

  • GetClient
  • Callback order
  • Omnichannel
  • Feedback form

SMS-mailing и auto-dial

  • StreamSMS
  • Viber mailing
  • Autodial
  • Autoinformer
  • Polls and polls
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns
  • Optimization of advertising costs
  • Optimization of marketing costs
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of processing applications

Verification by call

  • Reduced verification costs
  • Effective replacement of SMS and Viber
get a consultation


Why Stream Telecom telephony
does not fail

Why Stream Telecom telephony does not fail

To provide customers with uninterrupted communications, Stream Telecom uses the most advanced protection approach – geo-dispersed equipment redundancy.

Stream Telecom servers are located in several data centers around the world and insure each other. Should one of the servers fail, another will immediately take over its work.

Cutting edge technologies help to transfer load from one server to another quickly and seamlessly to the customer. Choosing Stream Telecom, you can enjoy excellent communication without fear of technical problems.

To provide customers with uninterrupted communications, Stream Telecom uses the most advanced protection approach – geo-dispersed equipment redundancy.

Stream Telecom servers are located in several data centers around the world and insure each other. Should one of the servers fail, another will immediately take over its work.

Cutting edge technologies help to transfer load from one server to another quickly and seamlessly to the customer. Choosing Stream Telecom, you can enjoy excellent communication without fear of technical problems.

Redundant power supply is used in data centers where Stream Telecom equipment is located.

In battery mode, the data center can work up to 20 minutes.

At the same time, the autonomous power supply of the data centers is provided by diesel generators – stationary controlled installations that combine an alternator, a diesel internal combustion engine, as well as control and monitoring systems.

Use IP-telephony from Stream Telecom without dependence on power outages!

Redundant power supply is used in data centers where Stream Telecom equipment is located.

In battery mode, the data center can work up to 20 minutes.

At the same time, the autonomous power supply of the data centers is provided by diesel generators – stationary controlled installations that combine an alternator, a diesel internal combustion engine, as well as control and monitoring systems.

Use IP-telephony from Stream Telecom without dependence on power outages!

Stream Telecom

About us

About us

Stream Telecom is a leader in the telephony market for business and customer accounting. We make communication in business easier, more convenient and cheaper. With Stream Telecom, you automate most of the manual work and get rid of the operational chaos when communicating with customers, as a result, significantly increase the number of sales.

We provide direct integration of telephony data with all CRMs, which allows you to connect any number of numbers, as well as use telephony directly in Bitrix24, amoCRM and other popular CRM systems without external telephony cabinets.

Thus, all the data of the personal telephony account is automatically integrated into the CRM. No unnecessary steps to search and compare call data.

Each industry has its own engineering business processes that need to be adjusted. For each industry, we provide flexible individual solutions that allow you to close business tasks and save on telephony costs.

Stream Telecom is a leader in the telephony market for business and customer accounting. We make communication in business easier, more convenient and cheaper. With Stream Telecom, you automate most of the manual work and get rid of the operational chaos when communicating with customers, as a result, significantly increase the number of sales.

We provide direct integration of telephony data with all CRMs, which allows you to connect any number of numbers, as well as use telephony directly in Bitrix24, amoCRM and other popular CRM systems without external telephony cabinets.

Thus, all the data of the personal telephony account is automatically integrated into the CRM. No unnecessary steps to search and compare call data.

Each industry has its own engineering business processes that need to be adjusted. For each industry, we provide flexible individual solutions that allow you to close business tasks and save on telephony costs.


Clients about Stream Telecom

Clients about Stream Telecom

Национальный оператор связи Stream Telecom IconНациональный оператор связи Stream Telecom

вулиця Тургенєвська, 38, офiс 402/а, Київ

4.9 199 reviews

  • Avatar Василий ОДИС-W ★★★★★ 5 месяцев назад
    Всё на отлично! Наше предприятие ОДИС-W поставило весьма не тривиальную задачу перед специалистами Stream. Это был первый случай, когда нас сразу поняли, быстро настроили все сервисы и запустили услугу многоканальной связи для наших систем диспетчеризации. … More Приятно удивили цены, а также доброжелательность общения.
  • Avatar Gash Ua ★★★★★ 6 месяцев назад
    Компания Gash Индивидуальные Матрасы благодарит весь коллектив компании "Стрим Телеком" и лично менеджера Марину за отличную работу.
    В эту компанию мы пришли по рекомендации наших интеграторов СРМ-системы после ужасного опыта с предыдущей телефонией.
    … More
    Хотим отметить молниеносную первичную интеграцию: все было сделано в предельно короткий срок с минимальным участием с нашей стороны.
    Техподдержка реагирует быстро, все изменения вносятся оперативно.
  • Avatar Anatolii Lysenko ★★★★★ 6 месяцев назад
    1. Название компании - "Учет Биз"
    2. Почему выбрали нас - посоветовал ПраймЛаб
    3. Экспертность наших специалистов (какой менеджер вам помогал?) - все было просто и понятно. Менеджер Максим
    4. Уровень предоставляемого сервиса - 10/10
    5. Качество
    … More технической поддержки и ее скорость - ещё не проверял
    6. Подключили телефонию в Битрикс24, помогли выбрать оптимального оператора.
    Спасибо и рекомендую!
  • Avatar Теплицы GROVERS ★★★★★ 5 months ago
    Я представляю компанию Grovers.
    Мы выбрали компанию Стримтелеком по рекомендации друзей которые очень довольны были работой с данной организацией. Наши ожидания-оправдались. В компании высокий уровень сервиса и экспертности . Нам помогал менеджер Марина.
    … More Если вы попадёте на данного специалиста -Вам точно повезло). Техническая продержка тоже порадовала. Быстрый отклик и реакция на вопросы. В этом отделе помогал специалист по имени Марсель.
    Стримтелеком помог нам наладить те процессы в работе которые давно нужно было контролировать и дать возможность нашим менеджерам работать Удаленно. Спасибо большое! Будем вас рекомендовать)